Sunday, 26 June 2011

Games Geeks & Ganks - The Begining

Hey, I decided to write a blog basically because I was bored. I'm finished uni for the summer & I need something constructive to fill my time other than computer games. Although you could argue that computer games aren't constructive but that is another blog all together. I will mainly be writing about the things I love computer games & technology but don't be surprised to see the odd blog about music or sports.

I play games on the Xbox 360 (currently the best console on the Market) & the pc. I mostly spend my time playing FIFA 11 & EVE online for those who don't know EVE online is a space MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game. Internet spaceships are serious business. Essentially you can do pretty much anything you want to in EVE it is a sand box game of EPIC proportions. In EVE there are many ways to make ISK (money) but the main ways are to run missions for NPC agents, Mining where you mine asteroids for minerals & ore, Play the markets as EVE has a player driven economy just like the real world which is cool for a game, Piracy oh yes ladies & gentleman even in the future we have pirates they capture ships & pods then ransom the players for there freedom, Mercenaries where players or corps who are unable to defend themselves or don't want to get there pods dirty pay other players & corps to hunt kill & just generally grief people they don't like.

Which leads us to me now I have recently joined the dark side & joined a Merc Corp. The Condemned & Convicted welcomed me into their ranks about 8 days ago now. Now as I have been a care bear all my EVE life except for brief stints in 0.0 & low sec where I spent most of my PvP experience dying. I thought it was time to learn how to PvP & hopefully have a blast doing it so off to the recruitment channel I went. Now if anyone has played an MMO or any online game where there is player run corps, clans or guilds knows the recruitment process generally sucks. This is even more true in EVE as spying, espionage, Corp stealing & griefing are not only allowed it is encouraged to the point where players will spend months or even years infiltrating corps & gaining trust just to steal everything that Corp has. But I digress so I was in the recruitment chat channel & was watching all the usual spam of join us we are the best etc etc. So I put out my own ad so to speak 10mil SP Caldari care bear wants to PvP I got several chat invitations almost right away the first couple were for pirate corps which didn't interest me but I got talking to this guy BC about his Merc Corp. I liked what was being said & was interested so I was invited on to the corps vent server for a talk as it is much easier to gauge a person by speaking to them rather than typing. So basically we talked about the requirnments for the Corp & what would be expected of me etc etc. I also had to provide my limited API key so that background checks could be performed on my character (I know what your thinking. Background check on a computer game character? Yes background checks as I mentioned earlier internet spaceships are serious business). After all this was done I was accepted into the Corp to meet the rest of the pilots I would be flying & dying with for the foreseeable future. Everyone was cool I was accepted in by the other players even as a complete noob to PvP, I was helped out with a skill plan to get where I need to be skills wise, I was helped out on how to fit my ships & any questions I had where answered without mocking no matter how daft or "nooby" they were. So thanks guys for making the transition to the new Corp & profession an easy one.

Keep Tanking & Ganking

The Condemned & Convicted