Friday, 22 July 2011

Black Ops & Noob Wars

So a few weeks back we ran a black ops fleet full of stealth bombers. I have to say it was my first time using the Black Ops to jump with & it's probably one of the most fun things to do with a fleet of stealth bombers. We were not alone in this op we had pilots from Starwinders, Narwhales ate my duck, sleeper social club, 4u holdings Inc & SRS so thanks to all those who turned up. We managed to get five kills in total all by using a scout to pick fights & light cynos so that we could jump in. We bagged three drakes, a hurricane & the first drake pilots pod all in all it was a good op much fun & Lols were had by all. One of the drake pilots actually told us he fell off his seat laughing at the sight of twenty four stealth bombers jumping in. All of the kills went the same way our scout Julian who is the coolest man under fire ever would find the fight light the Cyno & allow us to jump in & unleash some unholy justice upon the victim.

In all honesty it was the most fun I have had in EVE in a long time & I hope that we make these black op's hot drops a regular thing within our play time.

So we got a contract to War Deck a mining alliance up in Lonetrek. The alliance was killed PIT Industries Enterprises & they where by far some of the worst EVE players in the world. From bad organisation to fail fit ships they just sucked. Which of course is good for us as it meant lots of kills. We persecuted them without remorse killing everything & anything of theirs that we could & by the end of day Two of the war we had killed fourty two ships. In the end we managed to kill Eighty six ships including:

Pods 37
Frigates 3
Battlecruisers 1
Cruisers 1
Destroyers 10
Exhumers 3
Industrial command ships 1
Mining barges 6
Shuttles 3

PIT Industries Campaign Board

Now this probably wasn't our best fight but by god it has probably been the most satisfying due to the fact that one of their newer members had run his mouth in local & private mail to me from the get go. Purgations Hells I dedicate this blog to you & all nine of your pod kills. Our employer paid ten mil per corpse we returned but I kept one of yours just so I can link it to you every now & then. At first our good friend Purg told us we wouldn't kill him or even catch him. But within minutes of saying so I had caught & lidded him. I got all the usual grief from him which worsened with every time we killed him. After about six or seven pod kills our unlikely hero began to stop speaking to us. One of the corpies made an alt & spoke to him where he provided delicious tears for our entertainment. I will get these tears posted up somewhere for the general public to see.

Purgations Hells Loss Board

So Purgations Hells aka Mr Docked Up Local Smack Talker this is for you

Keep Tanking & Ganking


Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Life in the merc lane

So I have been a mercenary for a couple of weeks now & I have to say I am loving every minute of it. There have been four wars since I have joined and another in its twenty four hour stasis period before it can start. Two wars have finished so I can discuss them, these wars ended very well for us with a total of 31 kills between the two wars. Initially we got a contract for an alliance so naturally we decked them but one Corp left as a result but no one escapes that easily so we decked them as well. The kills came thick & fast with a particular highlight of catching an alliance freighter pilot (I will link all kills mentioned at bottom of the blog) there was also the orca kill which I was not part of choosing to go do missions instead of roam FAIL.

I will not run through all of the kills only the most notable also I got my first solo kill in my Rifter tonight so I will speak of that also. Firstly the Obelisk kill we had formed a fleet in our staging system and were going to hunt for wt's. As we were on our way to our target system. I jumped into Botane as I came onto grid I saw a wt land right on the gate & jump I reported the target & the fleet rushed to the Botane gate in Vylade I burned back to the gate as quick as I could. By the time I had got back to Vylade Nilf had the Obelisk pointed & we began to destroy her. The whole thing taking less than two minutes the pilot asked to pay a ransom but we never noticed her speaking in local to accept.

The Orca kill which I was not part of due to choosing to go do missions. Well the Corp that left the alliance we had decked must not of known that they had a 24 hour stasis period before the war would be over. As the fleet had a neutral alt in the system that found one of it's members dual a Hulk & Orca in Kobam. Fleet got a warp in point from the alt fleet jumps in warps to the alt points both the Hulk & Orca. The pilot logs of half way through his Orca going into shields, Rage Quit much?

My first solo kill came about as I was can flipping & baiting miners in Aidart. I had placed a can next to a miner & an Incursus warped in flipped my can & ran. But I had seen where he warped to belt 2. So I warp into the belt land right on top of him point him & start to Orbit him at 2 km. I let my 150mm Light Autocannon II rip into him & destroy him in about thirty seconds. It's probably not the best solo kill I will ever get but it is my first.

Keep Tanking & Ganking
