Firstly I am going to talk about the PvP I have been doing since I last blogged. Then I shall talk about my current financial state & what I am going to do to remedy that. Finally I will talk about the spaceships I am flying just now plus the spaceships I hope to be flying in the not so distant future.
I have done quite a bit of PvP since the last time I posted most notably there have been several solo encounters most of which I have lost but I have learned something from each one which is a plus. As always we have had Merc work to do thanks tour growing reputation & hard work of our CEO. (Shameless plug but if you are looking for a professional Merc group contact BlackCamper of The Condemned & Convicted mention my blog sent you to him & he may even give you small discount lol) In other breaking news I have been promoted to the rank of FC not because I am the best combat pilot but because I have a good understanding of game mechanics & a willingness to learn also I'm not afraid to make decisions even if they are bad decisions. I was always told that the worst decision anyone could make was no decision at all.So make sure you have your ship insured before we roam as it may not come back in one piece.
Our current war against Armada Ministry Federation could not have went any better we destroyed them in high sec they then retreated into their WH. Which was promptly shown to us by their CEO after he was given a beating in high sec he ran straight for it. All of this happened after he sent a mail to his Corp saying he was restricting access to it as he knew we were actively seeking it. So after we found it we went in & ransacked the place.Destroyed their tower, their ships & ultimately their morale. As of writing this blog I know of at least 28 of AMF have left the alliance although quite a number of them have left & joined the Corp set up by the Alliance CEO's alt BusyDogg Synaptic Recall. Garrdogg is his main & from the moment the war started he has made bad decision after bad decision. He has used his members as a meat shield to scout out his stuff from the WH while ordering others to stay & defend the POS. He left all of his members stuff in the WH but somehow managed to get all his ships & stuff out. He ordered his PvP division to go up against a superior force & waits till they have been beaten many times to call a retreat. Basically what I am trying to say is the man is a coward, he encouraged smack talk before the war,he tried to smack talk us when he managed together his stuff out the WH but now he has been forced to leave the alliance & create a new Corp with his alt he hasn't got much to say. So this is to you GarrDogg Mr Docked Up Local Smack Talker.
Interstellar Kredits & my current lack of them. Right now I have a little over 81 million in my wallet. Though I do have enough ships to sustain Meroe a while providing I don't lose the all within a week of burning glory. The reason I have so little & can only afford to run on account right now is because I had to pay back a loan to a bitter vet friend of mine to the sum of two & a half billion. Basically when I started to PvP I used my second account to generate my ISK but now since that is gone for the time being I shall be pausing the training Que on WatsonMayte & creating to PI/Indy toons on this account. I shall begin these new characters in just over three days when Minmatar frigate 5 finishes training. While I am training up these other characters I will be taking a small break from PvP to run missions to gain enough capital to get my PI up & running. Once I have my second account up & running again I am going to be looking into booster production & creating a second combat character. I also plan to try & get into T2 production & inventing to help supplement my income I may even join an indy Corp as long as they don't find out who my main is I think I should be ok.
Now to the most important part of the blog the toys I use. As it stands I prefer to fly small ships frigates & cruisers mostly but I do not hesitate to jump into something bigger if the situation demands for it. Currently my favourite ships to fly are the Rifter, Rupture, Stabber, Stabber Fleet Issue & the Dramiel. I have used all the ships I just mentioned there on solo Low Sec PvP roams & to my greta surprise the only ship I could get a fight in was the Rifter. I only took the SFI & the Dramiel out to see if I could entice someone into a fight. Maybe I am roaming the wrong areas or maybe I just need to get into some small gangs & see what we can find who knows for sure but the only certainty is that I will keep solo roaming & trying to get into some solo PvP action just because it is fun win lose or draw I enjoy it & thats what matters.
I have been trying different set ups for the Rifter & I have to say the set up I enjoy the most is the Arty Rifter kiting your target at 15+ km while tearing away at their shields & armour is much to my liking. The only problem I find is that I need to pay much more attention to the orbital sling & the target getting out of point range. Next on my hit list are all of the Minmatar T2 frigates most notably the Wolf, Jaguar & Hyena all of which IMO will make excellent solo frigates if flown right. I will be reviewing all three in the coming months.
In the cruiser hulls I am planning on getting a Cynabal as soon as I can afford it then I shall be training for T2 cruisers I have not really spent a great deal of time looking over them but I am sure I will be able to find one or two that take my fancy.
Keep Tanking & Ganking
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