Saturday, 14 January 2012

Solo PvP & Me

So in my bid to get better at solo PvP & just get better in general, I have decided to fit up a few ships that I can go forth & splode things with. I wanted ships that I would find it easier to get a fight in that normal so for instance I have selected the Cyclone & Myrmidon as two of these ships, I feel that they get underestimated a lot & will have more pilots willing to engage them. I have also fit up a HML Nano Drake for a passive fit I have never been a fan of passive fits for solo work but I shall see if I like this as we all know the drake is a passive brick.

So yeah on to the fits, there isn't anything that remarkable here they are all very standard fits.

[Drake, Nano Drake]

7x Heavy Missile Launcher II (Scourge Fury Heavy Missile)
5W Infectious Power System Malfunction

Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon Microwarpdrive
Large Shield Extender II
2x Invulnerability Field II
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
Warp Disruptor II

2x Ballistic Control System II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
2x Medium Core Defence Field Extender I

5x Warrior II

So with the nano drake I am undecided whether or not that I want to go with 2 x BCS or 2 x Nano. Currently my missile skills aren't the greatest so I am going with the 2 x BCS for maximum damage. Stasis web & small neut to help kill tackle that will undoubtedly catch me. I never used to bother with module placement for over heating but after reading this Over Heating Guide that has all changed. While EVE HQ condenses the placement for easier reading. The above are the modules I have fit but not in what order I have them fit. For example my highs are 3 HML small neut 4 HML This will ensure that I can overheat my HML's slightly longer which could be the difference between winning a fight & losing a fight.

[Myrmidon, Dual Rep Gyro]

6x 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II (Hail M)

Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon Microwarpdrive
2x Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I (Cap Booster 800)
Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II

2x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
2x Medium Armor Repairer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Damage Control II

2x Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I

5x Warrior II
5x Valkyrie II
5x Hornet EC-300
5x Vespa II

So this is the Myrm I have decided to go with dual rep dual cap injector autocannons in the highs for lack of hybrid skills & drones. Not a unusual fit tbh I was struggling between putting a armor explosive hardener in place of the gyro & putting  a projectile rig in instead of the anti-ex pump. Fitting it this way gives me 40 more dps as oppsed to fitting it the other way for 40 more tank but I'm a DPS whore so Gank > Tank for me. I hope that by using the Myrm I will be able to get more fights in a 1v1 situation as I think many pilot's would fancy their chances in another BC.

[Cyclone, LSB]

5x 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II (Hail M)
2x 50W Infectious Power System Malfunction
E50 Prototype Energy Vampire

Invulnerability Field II
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I (Cap Booster 800)
Warp Disruptor II
Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon Microwarpdrive
Large Shield Booster II

2x Gyrostabilizer II
Power Diagnostic System II
Damage Control II

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Projectile Burst Aerator I

5x Warrior II
3x Hornet EC-300

This is another pretty standard fit that I feel many pilots will engage solo. I think that a lot of pilots even if they were in cruisers would engage the Cyclone in a 1v1 situation. Purely for the fact that it doesn't get used thanks to the Hurricane being OP but that's another post all together. This cyclone is very cap intensive with the large shield booster but I'm hoping that it will be able to soak up the damage long enough for me to kill the other dude.

The main problem I have when I solo PvP is that I get too excited & forget to do vital things like overheat, check the overview for range info, hit the dscan to check for back ups coming in. Essentially all the important stuff to do during a fight, I think that once I can control myself a bit better in these situations I will be a lot better at PvP in general & probably not explode as much as a result. I have been watching a lot of solo vids trying to see what they do that I don't & it is incredibly obvious that they keep there cool while I end up flapping like a beheaded chicken. I have also been watching Kil2's solo commentary fights which I shall link in a minute basically he records solo fights of his & then talks them through & breaks down what he does & what he is thinking.

Kil2's Solo Commentary Vids

I have learned quite a bit just by watching these vids & I hope that you do to or if not at least take some enjoyment from them as there is a few really good fights in the vids. Anyway I digress so basically my plan is to go forth & blow shit up then try to keep my cool when doing so.

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