As I was ratting last night I realised as beautiful as EVE is I very rarely look at it. Now I hear you saying how can you not look at it how do you play it then? Which is a fair question I grant you but when you think about the amount of data you need to process during a PvP engagement it's not as daft as it first sounds. You need amount of hostile's, ship types, ship speed, ship distance & that is just for starters. Thankfully EVE provide's us with the tools we need such as the overview, fleet window, watch list, local chat(agree with it or not local chat is used as a tactical tool in PvP), D-Scan.
As you can see it appears to be extremely cluttered but this set up gives me the optimal amount of info I need & allows me to control my ship in the most efficient manner. As you can see this does not leave much screen space & with the Tactical Overview on I don't really get a chance to look at the beauty of EVE.
EVE online undoubtedly has the best graphics available in any MMO that is around today. Though to effectively get all the information you need for combat you have to have that many windows open that you rarely get to see EVE in all it's beauty. Although this is the case for when you are engaged in mortal combat when you actually have time just stop & take a look around & just look at EVE in all it's graphical beauty.
This is good because I was in it.